Over the course of the challenge, participants wasted a total of 64 kilograms of food, with a daily household average of 302grams. This is equivalent to throwing out three or four perfectly good apples every day. Participants commented that they were not aware of how much food they waste. In Canada, an average family of four throws out about $1500 of food per year or around 470 grams per day.
During the challenge, the most common reason food was wasted was that it went past the “best before date”. “It may not have been necessary to throw out these items,” commented Sally Hayes, Foodprint project coordinator.
Foodprint participants reported that the challenge helped them to change their habits around using up leftovers and preparing the right amount of food to serve.
The Foodprint Challenge, an initiative of Table Matters, Vancouver Coastal Health, and North Shore Recycling Program will run again this fall. Thanks to Amanda Vantol of the NSRP for the infographic.
To learn more, visit tablematters.ca or lovefoodhatewaste.ca