
District of West Vancouver- Hen Bylaw Process

Please provide your input to the West Vancouver survey.
Until 2008, the District of West Vancouver allowed the keeping of backyard chickens (hens only). Since 2008, the keeping of backyard chickens has been prohibited.
At a recent Council Meeting, some members of the community made a request to keep chickens (hens only) in their backyards. Council directed staff to gather information and report back. Staff provided an Information Report to Council on May 25, 2015, recommending a brief public consultation to gather input from residents and community groups.
Please take a moment to share your opinion about this initiative by taking the survey at the link below. You will be asked to register and given the option to post your survey on the public forum, or share it with staff .
They are collecting input from members of the community during June and July. Staff will review feedback from the community and report back to Council in the fall with recommendations and next steps.