
Many Growing Food Security Projects on the North Shore

This year’s Table Matters Event, What’s Growing on the North Shore, was a lovely evening peeking into the community based projects sprouting across our community. Hosted at Mountainside Secondary School, the event was smaller than previous years, but this gave it a more grass-roots feeling that fit the tone of the evening.
We heard from nine local groups doing everything from building new urban farms, to incorporating rescued food into school lunch programs, to developing regional policy Blog photo 2 Blog photo 1initiatives. Over 80 attendees gathered to listen and learn, and then participate in dialogues about school food programs, local food policy, food rescue, and urban agriculture. Participants reported that they had a great time networking and connecting with like-minded people, and that some organizations found new collaboration partnerships. The overall feeling of the event was of inspiration and excitement that so much is happening on the ground.
We find it even more exciting because we only skimmed the surface with this event. There are so many initiatives doing great work in their neighbourhoods to create community, grow food, and ultimately strengthen our local food system. We hope to bring more awareness of these projects, initiatives, and groups to the broader public in the future!
A big thank you to Vancouver Coastal Health for funding this event, and Mountainside Secondary School for hosting us.